Saturday, March 27, 2010

Anxiety Attack

I always dread trips when I'm planning them, but then enjoy being on the road. This particular one, back and forth to western Colorado, I've made at least a dozen times. Staying with my daughters is a new concept. I assume I'll have to cook certain meals and will be displayed as the eccentric, slightly hermetic father. Put on your dancing shoes. Though I'm not known for my moves, I do strive for grace in whatever I find myself doing. Close as I can come. I stir a risotto with my whole body. As the Zen Butcher used to say, 'the master need never sharpen his knife, because he never really cuts anything." He was hell on the basketball court, pick-up games, nobody would play us; he had mastered a half-court shot that looked like Nolan Ryan throwing a large musk-melon. It was a bank shot, he always said that you should bring the backboard into play. What's said and what's meant, we know about that. Almost nothing. I only qualify it because the day is so beautiful, and I touched Erica on the arm. I'll tie these things together. A tidy package. Delivered at your convenience. I just got so off track, I was gone for several hours, right here. I don't know where I was going, I like that image of Nolan throwing a melon. Little Sister loves the lunch meat wraps the art teachers didn't eat. Meals for both of us for several days. The world is my oyster. Little song and dance. What an ambiguous sentence that was, do you add an 'A' at the beginning or not? How ambiguous do you want to be? Sara and I were having a smoke, out on the loading dock, the wind was sweeping the leaves away, I said something about the Venturi Effect, a device that measures fluid flow, but also the way the wind whips through a hollow. Funneled. She laughed at my description. I enjoy making Sara laugh. An intellectual engagement. Few things I enjoy more in the world. Nothing is replete with stringers, mylar jetsom, you astride a stallion, the usual headlines. Hey, I don't play that game anymore, I have a small bowl, I eat mostly rice. And left-over food from the museum. Dog and I talked about this. She feels she's entitled to everything and nothing I could say would alter anyone's opinion. Why speak at all? I find I don't get into trouble if I don't say anything. Grunt and nod.

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