Thursday, May 6, 2010


Hard to use that word without sounding like a silly ass, 'nearness in time or space', but it is used in terms of kinship; another is conspicuity, 'the state of being conspicuous'. Levi-Strauss uses both of them on one page and they actually sound fine. No one to feed the dog and I'll just have to leave her to her own devices. Maybe she can find another sucker. The driveway took quite a beating in last week's storm and I'm doing nothing to effect repair until I get back from Colorado, it's a decent deterrent to wholesale robbery. A fortune in first edition poetry, but no one is likely to steal that. Difficult to think about not writing, it's become such a fundamental part of who I am. Not so much for staying sane (though it's a help there) as for considering the disparate threads, as they warp into the string of direction. Living alone, there's time for endless reflection. I remember gesture and nuance of phrasing more than the words themselves, in the field, rarely in a hurry, I remember tactile things and subtle scents. Later, any given day, after supping on something, getting a drink and rolling a smoke, I look at the blank screen for a few minutes, and remember the salient elements of a day. My concerns. Not trying so much to make sense, as to understand for myself at least a small fraction of what happened. Today, for example: I could write a very slow dreary novel about today. Pegi was almost stressed-out and Tammy was concerned about Pegi, James had to make a bunch of corrections on the web-site, typos, at this point I asked that they always run the copy through me. I'm a really good proof-reader. Comes from beinp a dyslexic poet. This is interesting, right? what I'm packing. If the guy did post-doc in extreme northern Japan, he had to be committed. I knew him AND his friends. A taudry bunch. I avoided them, as much as possible, I hate having my fingertips smell bad, and their breathe was death warmed over.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I had occasion to store a household's worth of goods in a rental storage room some thirty-five years ago. It was before the days of these huge buildings with metal gates and keypad entries...just a row of metal buildings with metal doors and chintzy padlocks. I came to visit my stuff one day and there were half a dozen of these places with doors slid up and the detritus of multiple lives strewn across the driveway in front. Mine was the last. They had struck paydirt. It was totally empty...almost. The concrete floor showed clear and clean compared to the junk covered floors of the previous five. They took for two bedrooms, kitchen, living room (I really hated to lose my silver velvet upholstered marshmallow chair), bathroom, and even tool shed. They took open boxes filled with half-used rolls of wrapping paper...a pile of clay pots (including several with broken shards inside)...everything. But there in the exact middle of this stark emptiness was my huge box of books. Don't know why I put them all in one box, but it was this four feet by four feet appliance box...heavy, heavy I used it. And there it was. The centerpiece of my empty storage mausoleum. My first thought was, "illiterate burglars."