Friday, February 14, 2014

Another Opening

Stayed there much traffic much in town last night, as I had to close the museum, then docent the parents of a Cub Scout troop (working on a project in the classroom) through the permanent collection. Then had to stay again tonight, because we worked late and then it was snowing like crazy. Yesterday Charlotte asked me to hang some ceramic wall-pieces upstairs. She's a potter herself, and she had stayed late, the night before, installing some lovely porcelain bowls, carved and pierced, some of them in the actual design of some famous crop circles. Interesting. The wall hangings can only be described as landscapes, fence-rows and fields, and Charlotte had put this show together, to go with the downstairs show of Alan's landscapes. She'd tried and failed twice hanging a wall piece, and asked me how I would do them. She was using the wrong kind of screw. The pieces mount on Plexiglas feet with a slot in the bottom. Very precise. So precise that I start each screw in a hole I punch with an icepick. Each one must be driven level and straight. I'm good at this because I've driven thousands of screws, probably tens of thousands. There are nine or ten of these pieces, and it took most of the morning; then I started working on mounting and trimming the labels. Charlotte placing them with the appropriate pieces, and today I attached them all to the walls. Mark did the lighting. It's a beautiful show. Then we all three worked on the punch-list to clear and clean the galleries, though, if truth be told, if I can't get home, I doubt there will be much traffic. Still it's glorious, that after six weeks we're an art museum again. I put on my crampons and walk over to Kroger to get some wasabi almonds, and some sweet-potato chips, I have whiskey and tobacco, it's not so bad.

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