Sunday, March 13, 2016

Being Equal

I have to listen to the news a second time, but I'm sure now that what Trump said was that if any of his supporters wanted to hit a protester in the face, he'd take care of the legal bills. Glass houses. I did once call for the lynching of certain coal mine owners in West Virginia but I'm pretty sure what I said was understood, was taken, as being sarcastic. I'm a real asshole when it comes to being nasty. That's why my reality TV show failed after less than a season. Being honest has no place in the world. One more cigaret, and one more drink for the road. Not that I'd drive anywhere, usually I just fall prone on the sofa and wrap my feet in a blanket; I have a very secure mode where I just go to sleep, then get up, make coffee, fry some hash, attempt the perfect fried egg, and get on with things. I don't think I could be judged as any more than slightly eccentric. " He seemed like a nice enough guy." "It always seemed like he was walking a dog, but it was usually just an umbrella." Dada, and the nature of reality. I could actually go to town tomorrow, but I couldn't buy booze and the library would be closed, why bother? Overcast at dawn, rain off and on all day. Between showers I went on a budding tour. A lovely sight. Next trip out, I should be able to harvest cattail shoots, which are great with browned butter and lots of black pepper. It's interesting in this terrain of hollows and drainages, that there are slopes facing in every direction, some favoring one plant and some another. There's a wonderful under-story of Mountain Laurel on the slope across from the mouth of the driveway, and not a single bush on this side. I planted about four dozen ginseng seeds, I had wintered over (stratified), on a protected northern face I think they'll enjoy. It amuses me to plant things I'll never see again. I've planted fruit and nut trees wherever I've been, I don't even think about it, walk over to the edge of the property, and poke a pip in the ground. Not quite a prayer, because I never learned to pray, but I make a hand-gesture that looks like it means something, and mumble a word in my private language that equates to "good luck". The budded trees certainly look nice against the sky. I raked a couple more of the patches where I expect early morels and wonder why I hadn't thought of it sooner. The raked ground is darker, so warms more quickly, and you can actually see the surface. I salivate at the very idea of morels. A cream of morel soup, with asparagus, bite-sized pieces, steamed then finished in butter. It's still hard for me to believe I made it through another winter, never once hiked in with supplies, that I still have firewood, lamp-oil and candles, back-up battery for my head-lamp, and a pile of books I haven't read. Scores pretty well in my accounting. I might rather be spooned but the odds of that are fairly long.

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