Saturday, February 28, 2009

Pleasantly Surprised

Cold again, but not bitter. I was staff at the museum this afternoon, so went to town early, supplies, some wrack. Washed my hair at the museum kitchen sink, warm running water and a heated space, what luxury. Winter, I forget what even simple creature comforts are like. Did a little work but mostly read through the afternoon, the perk of being Saturday staff. Sara and Clay relieved me at 4:30, told me to go home and start a fire, it was cold outside. Sweet gesture, I did so. Three family groups in today and I docented The Wrack. One of them from two-and-a-half hours away, come just to see the show, saw it on the website. Enthusiastic. Yesterday a wonderful couple, retired teachers (D's 2nd and 6th grade teachers), became members because they liked the show so much. Backwoods Gratin: you keep a stock of the canned, sliced white potatoes, 10 for 5 dollars (there is no waste, potatoes were rotting on me, not to mention the smell), thick sliced, but what the hell, looking for something quick here, I aim to eat half-a-pound of potatoes a day, when the weather is cold, so has to be quick. In a pyrex bowl dump the drained potatoes, sprinkle on a goodly amount of mixed shredded cheeses, maybe some chili powder, some crystals of sea-salt, nuke it until the cheeses melts and then brown the top with a propane torch. A couple of twists of fresh black pepper and this is really good. Any that you don't eat, blenderize the next day, with enough cream to lubricate. Can't go wrong. Weird out tonight, saturated and heavy with the weight of events. I concentrate on starting a good fire, so I can cook. Most of the time, that's all I'm trying to do, be in the moment. Start a fire, mop up the mess, plunge the clogged basement toilet. This is nothing new, toilet paper is my enemy; all clogs are toilet paper clogs, disturb the natural drainage and you have a lawsuit. We run out of water before we run out of anything else. What about water. That we consider it a given. It's not. I farm water, collect it where I can, merely slow it down; Glenn was correct, it is all drainage, what actually happened. Specifics aside, what you thought you meant. How wrong we could be. I'm wrong about almost everything, I don't let that stop me, if you don't push you never know.

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