Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Spinning Wheels

These auction benefits are a bother, but they do raise some much-needed funds. Accepting discards all day at the back door, and moving things around. I finish the patch and repair on three galleries. Shear volume, this may have been the largest show ever, which translates as the most holes in the walls. Put away all the plexiglas bonnets, but leave out the pedestals for displaying auction items, get out all the tables. Yearly Board of Directors meeting tomorrow night, a dinner function, and need to set up for that. Need to make maybe 50 trips to the basement for auction stuff. After the benefit I'll need to clean up everywhere (there's also a baby shower in there somewhere) then install three new shows, one of which requires that I assemble 500 boxes. White cardboard boxes that the artist uses to construct architectural forms. I should be able to average, after my box tutorial with the artist on Friday, a box a minute, which is just a little over 8 hours, but I'm constantly interrupted, so will actually involve several days. The box guy, another Tom, is interesting, and makes his models with those snap together plastic things. Lego my Eggo. I'm sure I can do all this, because none of it, taken separately, is difficult, but the logistics are a nightmare. I don't mind the challenge, enjoy it actually, as long as no one yells at me, I'll do the best I can, and that's more than anyone should expect. This is why I live alone, having no one with expectations. Denies me some comfort, but allows a certain freedom. The story of my life. Where I choose to be has always been important, but I've been so many places that the actual place seems less important. A yurt in Mongolia, long as I had my keyboard. Just saying. I could do a stint in Antarctica, give me books enough and time.

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