Saturday, July 12, 2014

Spur Money

The small fine paid for wearing spurs into church, where the jangle was apt to interrupt the service. Collected by the Beadle, who seems to have been an usher and sergeant-at-arms. B had discussed the word 'suppose', I was looking it up when I got home and got side-tracked. Had to turn on the AC for Black Dell and I had some time to kill, so I pulled out the folded paper I keep on my person, where I write words that I need to know more about. I read another book about salt. I have no interest in writing a book about salt, and I use very little, but I've stumbled on four books in the last couple of years, library sales, and all of my friends know that I like books about any specific thing, so I know a lot about salt. Mary Martha called, she's a sweetheart, and wants me to give a talk for the Nature Club. I agree, and she wants to know what I'll talk about; I can't decide, right away, tell her I have to think about it. My first thought is salt, as this area is/was famous for its salt-licks; but I decide I'd rather talk about oak trees. Flora, rather than a mineral; the living rather than the inert. I could talk about bookshelves for an hour, but that hardly seems germane. A lecture series on disparate subjects. I should get a job on a cruise ship. Duty-free. Meaghan got a bottle of Irish whiskey for $38 that costs $93.30 at the liquor store. TR is sporting a new watch. We don't actually talk about the opera, but I call him later, knowing he would be bored silly, sitting at the desk, at the museum, on Saturday, and we hammer out a few details. I expect we'll spend a day together, soon, talking about structure. I stopped by B's place and there was a note, in magic marker on the cardboard packing for a toilet seat, that he was up the hill (the ridge) to get something, and that he would back shortly. I sat down, to roll a smoke, and Drew showed up. We had one of B's beers, a Newcastle Brown Ale, and shortly B showed up with Matt and a very heavy table top. B's desk, a lab counter, a piece of rock that I calculate weighs 210 pounds; 3 feet by 6 feet an inch thick, sandstone, 140 pounds a cubic foot, and they horse it inside. I hold the door open. They also serve. B allowed that he needed his dictionaries. Of course you need your fucking dictionaries. I keep one on the back seat of the Jeep. Sometimes you just have to pull over, and look up a word.

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