Thursday, November 12, 2009


The resident wine guy, Dr. White, has assembled the wines for the premier wine tasting at the fund-raiser, but for personal reasons, he and Sandy must be away, and he defers to me as the next most knowledgeable. I hesitate, but decide to tell Pegi tomorrow that I'll handle the wine-tasting. It means I won't write that night, but I can live with not writing for one night. I've done worse things. There are some very good wines. Maybe Tammy's beau could pour the whites, I could pour the reds, we'd need someone to keep track. I refuse to do any bookkeeping. Would be all I could do to pour. Can't believe I would volunteer myself at this level, but I do love the museum, and the job I do there. Which, said description, is nebulous. Luminous is that quality of light, where the slanting sun strikes the shores of Kentucky. The word had evaded me and then I saw it everywhere. Not to make too much out of a natural ephemeral event, but it was luminous. What did Charlotte say? I'm just a spider, but I'm ok. OKEH is Choctow for everything is alright. I'm awash in information and most of it is incorrect. Really, how do you steer a path through this? I don't know, it's a long and rutty road. Path, trail, whatever, a way to get from here to there. After the fund-raiser, the mandate is clear, cut firewood and put away books. I've got to resurrect the sauce, clean out the fridge, vacuum dust bunnies, wash some linens. I heard a mouse trap go off last night, but couldn't find it this morning. I really need to find it, probably behind the stove, won't have a chance to look before Saturday. Today was a zoo, setting up for the big event, tomorrow promises more of the same, the punch-list, then doing the wine thing, getting home late, cold house, sore feet. A twelve hour day, minimum. Thinking now I'll take a week off in December, 5 vacation days could get me 11 days off, and do nothing but firewood and work on the Emily Project. In the winter I take off an hour early, to get home and get a fire started before dark, and that will use accumulated overtime and maybe another week, then 2 weeks in June to go west and watch my girls graduate high school and college. Use up my vacation time, as Pegi tells me I should. James came in today to set the bonnets with me. One of those delicate but fairly quick operations that requires teamwork and absolute attention. He passes the test with flying colors. I was awake for several hours last night, imagining the sequences, and he was right there, when we did them, today. You have to have total confidence in the other person, when a task involves 2 people and you're dealing with art. I'm paranoid, but that's my job. I do some prep so D and I can speed through the list. After we set the bonnets, I knew James should clean them, he's compulsive and that's a good thing, if you want something really clean. I vacillate, when it comes to reality but I know what I mean. You and some old-timer, talking on the stoop. Never deny anything, and always take the extra step. Then it becomes a fandango, and everyone is swept away. You and me, I'm not so sure, what's promised and what's delivered.

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