Saturday, December 14, 2013

Flying Solo

As expected, I was alone at the museum most of the day. I cleaned the floor, which was sorely tested last night. No receptionist for the morning, so I sat there and read all morning. Staying in town because snow is forecast and I'm the only person at the museum tomorrow. The set-up crew for the Sunday party will be in. I'm kind of looking forward to the event because it's breakfast/brunch, and I do love even a fairly bad breakfast. Right after work, I went to Kroger, got whiskey, a breakfast protein drink, an avocado and cheese for dinner; I had olives and gherkins at the museum, sundry crackers from past events. A veritable feast. If I have to stay tomorrow night, I'll spring for sushi, maybe go over to the pub. I need to shave and wash my hair, take a sponge bath, before the hoards arrive tomorrow. But with hot running water that isn't a problem. And it wasn't. Crashed early last night and awakened feeling good. Busy all day, solving problems for Debbie and her crew. Actually they finished about three and I read at the front desk until closing time. They'll be in early tomorrow, to set up the food. I think the event is from eleven to three. The catering crew thinks they can be out of here a little after five. One more night in town because I have to be here Monday morning. All the shows close next Friday, they'll have to be taken down and packed. Then the painting crew for a month, and the galleries I need to paint, but I should have some time for editing and research. Glenn sent me the fox archives from my writings of the last several years and I'm excited about getting into that. I like the writing, it's crisp and clean, maximum amount of information with the fewest possible words. I'd better go.

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