Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Under Watch

Perish the thought. I'm not generally paranoid. I'd been up all night, reading about the Donner Party, looking forward to a radio review, later in the day, of a new book on the subject. I wanted a nap, but I'd just fixed coffee, when there was knock on the door. Too early for anyone I know, and they hadn't shouted, when they got out of the vehicle. Power Company guy to change the meter, but the meter was just changed last winter. My first thought was that he was an undercover cop, because his right hand kept falling to where his pistol would be, and he was a little nervous. I ask him in, for coffee, to try and find out why someone would think I was doing anything illegal. He denies everything, but does allow that I live an odd life and some people might find it curious. I explain that I'm just an old guy living on a fixed income and no threat to anyone. Further, I added, it was fine if they (oh god, they, the other) wanted to look around, or bring in dogs and have them sniff my shit. My new meter transmits more data, but the truth is, there isn't any more data, because I'm in a blind spot. I realize, somewhere in his awe that there could be so many books in one place, how unplugged I am. This guy, 'Guy'' was his name, right there on his breast pocket, which I didn't believe for a heart-beat (when I'm traveling alone I always use the name Frank). Late in this exchange, I realize I looked like a madman. Up all night, unkempt, hair sticking out, beard flecked with last night's dinner, stained tee-shirt with the sleeves and neck cut out. BUT I'm in my own house, on my own property, and I don't expect to be disturbed, I want to put a sign, down at the bottom of the hill, that says 'This Is Not A Meth Lab', but I doubt it would do any good. It's assumed, if you're not scrambling for a foot-hold, you're an idiot. And I can do the whole idiot thing, it's not that difficult to be stupid.

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