Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Vagaries

D is back and had to admit we'd done well without him. Catch up on odd jobs. Vacation jabber. He's sunburned and we're all very sympathetic. I'm mostly interested in what they ate. Somehow I'm drafted into the budget talks, look at the numbers for the first time and there isn't much fat. I see some things that I wonder about, conference tomorrow, I'll add my two cents worth. Interesting that the arts are immediately threatened by any downturn. We know the arts are important, but we're willing to sacrifice them, as a culture, not me, you, but the great voting mass. Is that half-moon on the outhouse just a rounded ass viewed from the side? Would make certain kind of sense, and that's often more than enough. I'm perplexed by control freaks, I live to not know exactly what's happening. I know most people want a sharper line, but I don't. I like being surprised. The natural world is the perfect place to be, because she so often changes her mind and we're forced to go along. An experience last night I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, a bat tangled in my hair, fucking screamed like a teen-age girl, but the damage was done, I'm either rabid or not. Several people I'd like to bite. If I am, you know, diseased. Pass it along. I can be ugly when called on, give me room to sling my mop. I need a cabin in the UP, I'd rather be cold.

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