Friday, October 15, 2010

Ask Alice

Dodgson (Lewis Carroll) also wrote "An Elementary Treatise On Determinants" and I'm trying to find a copy of that. Alice's father drafted the accepted Greek dictionary of the period, which went through at least 11 printings. Tom MaCauley, he of the box installation, finished a residency today, and gave a lunch-time Smart Talk. I spent the afternoon in full janitor mode, recycling, getting rid of food trash, mopping the back hallway, which had been decorated with spills of Mountain Dew from the residency kids, who took full advantage of a free lunch; carried a plate with two sandwiches in one hand and a fruit cup in the other, holding their Mountain Dew cup between their teeth. Two trips evidently out of the question. I grazed the food tables. I love those pickled banana peppers. I made a big jar at the museum, a while ago, using D's peppers and one of those large jars of dill pickle juice from an event at the museum, I keep forgetting to take them home. They should be good now. I'll make a nice country pate, squirrel, mushrooms, and chicken livers. Probably on saltines, because I'm a simple guy, I'll have a large smear of pate, with a pickled pepper on top. If I do this, and I very well might, one of you will get maybe eight ounces of this, I'll draw your name at random, include a few suggestions, ship it off Fed-Ex next day, wrapped in layers of bubble wrap. I sense "An Elemental Treatise On Enjoying Pate", what can I say? I'm old school, I recommend backing off and rolling a smoke, then looking both ways. A drive gets shorter when you recognize the landmarks. I don't care who you are.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Tom, if one wished to send you something via mail, ups, etc., where would one send it. You see, what you write makes me want to throw things in front of you to see your responses...'So you think that about that, eh? Then what do you think about this?' Could be interesting (at least in some cases) for all involved, no? Also, how long is your reading list at present?