Friday, January 27, 2012

Painting Walls

Wanted to get the walls in the main gallery painted before we unwrapped the folk art show, and today was the last shot at that, so I painted walls all day. Which isn't a bad job if you have everything prepped and exercise a modicum of carefulness. I figure we need ten pedestals, therefore eleven, and I want to get them up from the basement and into the center of the gallery, spaced so I can walk between them, roll two coats of semi-gloss 'Gallery White' on the tops, and touch up any dings on their edges. They take a beating. Maybe get those up tomorrow. I got the gallery painted, which means that we probably won't get the pedestals up because we'll want to unwrap art. Given the choice. When I'm painting walls I tend to drift into thought trains, anything can set them off. Someone comes into the gallery and asks what I'm doing, or there's a commotion of some sort, or a word appears. Most of the photographs have one word titles. And she's clever, she uses good words. One of them is titled "Imminence" and I know the word well, the provenance. Impending, that state of about to occur. Lovely word. Pegi uses me as a word person when, as now, she's writing a grant, or she needs knowledge of a specific thing. She works with a local welding shop to create apparatus that her kids can fly on and she didn't know what tensile strength was. I gave her the two minute lecture on Stress Failure Analysis. What load are we expecting here? And she got it, less French Fries for the high-flyers. Then, much later, she asked me to describe a particular venue, why it was a feather in their cap to be there, and I was able to rattle off a very strong end to her sentence. They keep me around for this. I tend to be useful in unusual ways. Something you could use for not doing something else. Past history is all, it might be a pattern, but I don't care, insofar as that reflects on me. I'm the straightest arrow I know., whatever that means. Went over to the pub after work and there were a lot of people, and I was a little uncomfortable, I'd really rather be alone. Write a few lines. You and your parade. I don't know, the information is confused. Kansas during a twister, right. Whatever that sound was.

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