Thursday, April 24, 2014

Bouncing Balls

How long can you play at that level? Where you spin plates on sticks and carry on a normal conversation at the same time? I'm done with games. The remnant of that conflict defines the known universe. I can juggle most of this, what you are, what I am; it's in the ebb and flow that you're revealed. Jesus I just lost a page of writing, I hit the wrong combination of keys, or something, and everything disappeared. I had taken a long walk in the woods, I was looking for mushrooms, I was thinking about the bear. The road home is historically difficult. I had a leftover grilled lamb shoulder chop, and I just nuked it and left it in the microwave, then I made a sauce from chicken stock and bacon fat; thickened and mildly spiced. I'd never had lamb with a morel sauce, though I once prepared woodchuck loin with morels, for five friends, so there were six of us there. I won't embarrass them with names, but it was a very good meal too, and I'm struck with the number of people who claim to have been there. Slips into the pluperfect. The plate was still hot, and the meat, and, really, you could serve a morel sauce on goat turds, and it would be fine.

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