Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Relative Value

More and more farmers are using a no-plow technique, drilling seeds. Compaction becomes an issue, but they deep-till every once in a while, and broadcast a cover crop. A local farmer still plows and harrows, so I can walk the furrows, looking for points. After the ground has been broken, and there comes a rain, the artifacts stand proud. Slip into this, the way things change. Look at the arrowhead, the way it's embedded in the clay. Not unlike finding a morel in the leaf-litter. What you see is what you get, B showed up with his guitar slung over his shoulder. Means, I know, we'll hear a song or two. Most of my friends play the guitar, the double bass, keyboards, brass, or drums. I never found time for it, though I wish I had. The time was there, of course, but theater took all of mine, from when I was 15 until I was 30, then it was printing, and building houses; nary a break until I signed off at the museum. A biography that reads like a joke: "what a long, strange trip...", but no regrets, or not many, at any rate. I like who I've become. Ankle deep in London Reviews, reading about Saussure, Derrida, and David Foster Wallace. Not only reading about them, but reading them. I read for six or eight hours a day. Marveling at text, the way it seems to mean something.. You base a belief system on what seems authentic, and prance off, into the wood. But I'm here to say, if you could just cut the whip-o-wills from the sound-scape, I hate the repetition. I might be able to go back to sleep. Morning birds, is that a...

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