Saturday, June 28, 2014

Settling Down

Talked with my sister about my parents, then George called from North Carolina. Too much information. I have to take a walk to shed details. I promise to head south when the weather breaks. TR's wedding tomorrow, and then the reception, a bunch of his friends coming in, composers and various instrumentalists. I look forward to it, and I rarely look forward to functions. Fuck a bunch of receptions. Social masturbation. I'd rather do almost anything, generally, but I love TR and his friends, so I look forward to a couple of hours of good conversation before I slink away. Back on the ridge, I'll poke fun at myself, for ever being involved, but the truth is, it is fun, and the dialog is absolutely top-draw. Conversation is the be-all and end-all. I can live without food and water. Basho.

sticking my drunken face
out the window

Catholic wedding, Catholic church. Met D in the parking lot and we took the last pew on the groom's side. I wore my newish black jeans and a new black tee-shirt. It was hot, and I certainly wasn't going to wear more than a single layer. I did not wear a feed-cap. D and I mostly looked at architectural detail. There were a lot of things we didn't know the names for, all very apseish; but with some extremely stupid canned lights, recessed into the vaulted ceilings, looking very much like Julia Child's kitchen. Several pro-forma Catholic things that I don't understand, stand-up, sit down. The reception followed, and I've missed hundreds of these, but Zack was there, the percussionist from "Emily", and D; we finally got a table, hit the buffet line when the traffic was slack. Outside for a smoke, I noticed the clouds piling up to the west, rain for sure, I just wanted to get home. What are the stations of the cross and how many are there? Who was Veronica? Look it up tomorrow.

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