Monday, December 8, 2008

Pattern Recognition

Everyday things. The way you carry on. Couldn't help but think of Sisyphus today, carrying wood uphill, then walking back down unburdened. It's a complex story. He was a son of Aeolus, husband of Merope (the daughter of Atlas), father of Glaucus (father of Bellerphon), ravished Anticlea, who bore Odysses. Usually credited to Laertes, but he was just the usual cuckold. Violated Tyro, daughter of his brother, who killed all the kids he fathered on her. Had to roll that stone forever, but Homer calls him "the craftiest of men" because he got to walk down unburdened. I got up to pee and couldn't get back to sleep, muscle sore, take a couple of aspirin and get another drink. It's already today and I wasn't done with yesterday. Go out and get the maul and file the edge, it's very dull and doesn't function properly. Bad form. Nagging at me, all day, what Glenn meant. How do we talk? How do we express ourselves? Since I'm alone mostly, I tend to think about things, and this is an interesting thing to think about, language is so fluid. In these postings, for instance, I can say almost anything, and you'll know what I mean, or, at least, what I'm talking about. It's strange, really, that you'd know. I could explain it in terms of data base, but really it's a more musical thing. Change ringing. Later today I'd like to make twenty or thirty trips, carrying wood out, whistling off-key; but right now, I'm sitting in my chair, trying to make meaning. And you understand that. What I'm doing. I can tell by the sound that I need to stoke the stove. Great chance to consider the false dawn and switch to coffee. My soreness now is nothing compared to my soreness later. I do this because it allows me to be in the natural world. It's a gift, really, because I can't accept any alternative: I'd rather be sore and alive. Addressing the issue of falling, I'll probably fall several times later today, you can't make thirty trips without falling, simple statistics, usually my falls are funny, I position myself and enjoy the tumble. A routine. I laugh, you laugh, I'm not damaged. We carry on.


Making sense is the most difficult of all, I'm not sure how we do it.

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