Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Last Shipment

The show is in the house, last shipment rumbled in just before closing time, the last 12 paintings. Everything else already spread around the gallery but for the 23 small cards (side-show pics) to be hinged and framed. Gonna make it.
Annual Board Meeting tomorrow night, staff invited, sit down dinner that Pegi's husband is cooking (for 28) and the menu sounds fantastic, standing rib roasts, garlic mashed potatoes, individual bunches of green beans, wrapped in bacon and baked, cheesecake; open bar. Guess I'll stay for that. Make a list: wash hair in the morning, take sport coat and clean tee-shirt, wear clean jeans. Post it on the coffee pot. Busy day, moving art, taking apart frames, condition reports. James, with his MLS, is a perfect match for this show, I just point him in a direction. Much colder weather, 30's tonight, high in the 50's tomorrow, from tee-shirts to denim with a Carhartt hoody. Glad for the sharp transition, because we still have nice days ahead, and now will better appreciate. Animals are manic, the squirrels, the woodchucks, the chipmunks, frenetic down at the lake, and I have them to myself, not a soul in sight. This morning the lake was giving off heat, the vapors bleeding BTUs. Remember watching ice turning to vapor in Colorado, never turning to water. A combination of very cold ground and very bright sun. Evapo-transpiration. Bless the art-shipper's hearts, they got in before five, they'd called, expressing concern, we off-loaded 12 pieces in five minutes, despite the fact that one of them is insured for 100K. Fuck 'em if they can't pack it correctly. Not really, of course; that painting is from the Cleveland Art Institute and they crate and pack like D and I do: assume it's going to fall off the back of a truck. Unwrap these 12 tomorrow and we'll see the show, all in the wrong places, but that's the next step. A great scene in Glenn's movie, we install the abstract show, in a speeded sequence, and it shows the process. It's all about process. A full day today, and a little more every day for the next two weeks. Show time. I feel comfortable with it, now; the labeling looks laborious, both the making and the mounting, but it can't take more than a couple of days, and there's slack enough for whatever contingencies. Out of the blue I think of a way we can break the plane, I could actually make a tent of the largest banner, over the side-show section, easy, really, if you just imagine in three-space, which I just did, and saw it, what we could do. Solves another problem too, because one of the banners is so damn large. I'm so excited I have to call Sara, and she's excited too, because it's a good idea and it expands her show, breaks the flat plane. It seems I'm always interested in breaking that flat plane; I'm curious what would happen if, therefore, I tweak whatever it is. Habit more than anything. What you might prepare to say. What you thought you meant. Watching myself, in Glenn's movie, because I'm completely comfortable with him, I can be completely natural, whether you know me our not, that the me is close to the authentic me, the me you read. I could use some help here, moving things, I exhaust myself. Pretty sure I am what I am. I'll save Hegle for tomorrow.

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