Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Roughly, affinity with the soul of a place. What Picasso experienced at Altamira. Reinterpreted as cubism, the movement back (or forward) into form. The beginning of the modern buried in the archaic. Spent most of the day, reading, thinking about that duality. Modern/archaic. Look at that famous Altamira bull that turns up in "Guernica", the way the lines are over-drawn produces that same vibrating edge that Braque explored. Read more Agassiz, trying to aline a particular night he and Thoreau dined at Emerson's house with a specific mention in Thoreau's Journals. I know I can find it, it's an iconic night. Emerson left the table because A and T were talking about the mating habits of something, turtles, I think. A said he had discovered that the haddock was viviparous, which he found strange, for a deep sea fish. Thunder, I have to go, fucking weather. Took my truck down because I can't miss a day for the next two weeks. Crunch time. Pretty well prepared. Problem is that everything needs to be done at the last minute and I'm in what you might think of as the default position. I told Pegi that I had it all under control, and that was true enough, if nothing went wrong, but the truth is that some things will go wrong. Poised, on the brink. Nothing like a certain dynamic tension to affirm that yes, you are alive, at this particular moment in time. Now, get on with the game. Thank god someone else is transporting this show because it gives me a day to patch and repair the main gallery. The impossible just takes a few extra hours, bring a blanket and a pillow, buck up. Never find the peace you seek. Silence is a relative thing. Empty space. Is anywhere better than nothing? Anything? Here comes another morning, Natalie Merchant. I'm cool, the Janitor's Ball, I saw it coming; I'm sweeping a modified chevron, deep in my own thought, washing away, and you imply that I should be aware of something else. Of course, the index, meaningless footnotes, sense is a various thing, nothing means much anyway. A storm cell moves through and I'm impressed with it's raw power, a single lightning strike could power a major city for a day, but you'd need a new kind of battery. One that could bear the shock.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is the flip side of proof of life the possibility of death? And, if so, where does love fit in? Can abstruseness lead to clarity?
