Wednesday, June 16, 2010


We need to hang 40 pieces and we get to 57 before we make a mistake and stop. 4:30 in the afternoon. We don't like to hang art after 4:00 because we always start making mistakes. Too many numbers, too much serious attention. The show is hung tight and that makes any small mistake glaring. And it's 50% framed and rigged for hanging by nonprofessionals which translates as badly and means we'll have to make some minor correction. We only stop for a couple of short breaks, a cigaret in the alley, a quick lunch. This level of intensity, most people don't ever experience it, nor would they want to. Thunder in the west, another line of squalls, I should go but, but I want to stress the focus. 57 pieces in six hours, slightly more than nine an hour, slightly more than one every six minutes. Try this at home. I'm sure we're not the best ever, but we're very good at this, and we make jokes and laugh while we do it. Gotta go. Serious lightning. It passed over. I think I'm clear. Rain like a drumming through the leaves. The lightning has moved south and west, but it's raining so hard I feel like a tadpole in a shallow dish.

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