Sunday, May 6, 2012

Exactly So

Yes, Linda dear, it is just the act of observation, and that, only because I slow down enough to see. My powers of observation are nothing special, but I'm rarely in a hurry and that allows more time to study the particular. We've never talked about this, directly, but it is a Zen attitude. Not something I ever approached directly. I sort of fell into it as a matter of circumstance. Your children are born and other people die. Some of them kill themselves. If we use today as an example: I'm looking at the Munch book and Mac emails, Sara calls, you make a comment (the embedded Linda) it's overwhelming, really, if you just pay attention. I'll make this as personable as possible, what used to be called a letter, where you expressed some aspect of yourself to another. I'm having trouble with commas again. I have to get up in the night to pee and I often can't get back to sleep. I'm writing more and reading myself less because I can't install a new printer because the CD port on my black Dell is dead. It's like that, or something. I like writing you directly. Like I say, I fell into it. How many people do you know could demand an explication. I know five, and you, Linda, are one of them.

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