Saturday, May 12, 2012

What When

Endlessly talking logistics concerning the upcoming switch-over. All three of us guys at the museum. In the afternoon we talked through the entire condition report. Watched D, the new MFA, designing the membership brochure. We decided to have a beer after work, Bastion and Whitney would join us. It was fun, Bastion is French and very funny, the two of them are a striking couple, and both very bright. Still, rain forecast and I needed to stop at Kroger and get weekend supplies, and despite the fact that John Hogan himself had graced us with his company AND was playing and singing tonight, I just had one draft and shagged it on home. Circuitous sentence. I enjoy constructing them, they're an important part of the paragraph or the block or whatever I am right then thinking about a particular piece of text. I left out the comma, I thought about it for nearly an hour. A drink and several smokes, the answer was no comma. The reasoning being that continuity of thought superceded breath. I don't know why, I just stuck it in, and now I take it out, fucking commas can mess with your brain. I have independent evidence. Heaven forbid music was the cause of it all. The collapse of civilizational society. Everyone seems to be listening to something all the time. I don't get it. Not listening is so much better, a large percentage of what I hear is bugs and birds.

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