Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Considering Format

Two days off was enough, and I wanted to get back to the Carter Scrapbooks. Fascinating material. I get sucked into it and the degree of engagement is at a high level. I forget to eat. Strange. I've got the "Jane and Dora" painting, them walking down the train tracks, away from us, collecting lumps of coal into half-bushel baskets, documented pretty well. The Columbus Museum is interested because they have that painting on loan from The Met. Need to write up my notes. I could do an hour lecture on this painting. Also on "Chickens Behind The Window", one of my very favorite Carter's. A college girl came in today, Bev called me down, because this girl needed some information about "Chickens...", because she had to write a paper about it, and Bev told her she needed to talk to Tom. I gave her an intense thirty minutes, she didn't know what to make of me; the first thing I asked was how much information did she want. I can go on, in terms of explication. I have a knack for it, spiraling ever inward, and I needed to know how much time she wanted to spend considering that particular painting. I've looked at it twice a day for eight years. I know a lot about it. Nothing profound, just that I see patterns repeated, the way you amalgamate all those aspects. Phone calls tend to completely disrupt the flow of events. In this case either a great deal of luck, or borrowed time, but there you are. The flow of events I mean, the way one thing leads to another. I was glad to hear no one would be visiting soon, because the house is a wreck, and I couldn't possibly be decent company, because I'm so distracted, right now, with a couple of different projects. I hate when my thought stream is interrupted, because I can never remember what I was thinking about.

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