Saturday, November 17, 2012

Small Rewards

You wouldn't have thought that I would have noticed, but I did, because I tend to notice things, the way you reached down to straighten your skirt. What shoes you wore and the way they made your feet look. I am, if nothing else, observant. With a straw between my teeth. Glenn said something, this was years ago, about Melville, the way he made you see certain things. White is white, like that, the way things are defined. Went in today to spend a little time with D, to find out why everyone at the museum had their panties in a wad. Nothing serious, but petty bickering drives me crazy. Rene, I think her name is, at the Market Street Cafe, fixed our Saturday burrito, and after a great many attempts, D and I got her to smile. Everyone else was cracking up, but she did smile. Drove the long way home, up the creek. Enough water at the ford to clean my wheel-wells, and watched a flock of turkeys tearing up the mast maybe fifty feet away. A couple of them looked to go twenty pounds. I love watching wild turkeys, there are always two or three on guard duty, while the rest of them root around. Back home, I make a simple cream of butternut squash soup, chicken stock, squash, salt and pepper, a few grates of nutmeg, and add a squirt of the Umami paste that Linda got for me. One of the best soups ever. Read through the Janitor College WIP, "Modified Chevron", and it reads pretty well. I'm going to have to add some connective tissue, because some of the leaps leave me baffled. One of those young squirrels that have taken up residence in my yard was particularly noisy at dusk, and I had to go outside and throw a few rocks. A varied life. And not without interests. Who could ask for anything more? Soup and cheese and crackers for dinner, a few olives, reading Proust at the island. Maybe Faulkner wrote some sentences that long, but gosh, I've never seen so many subordinate clauses. Maybe, if you're locked up in a cork room, that's just the way you think, it's not a guise or a trick you've mastered to get free drinks. At the end, Proust was fairly strange. But we all are, it's part of the condition. What condition your condition is in. Yeah, yeah, oh yeah. I amuse myself with flourishes. Really, that was a Caslon dingbat? I thought I knew Caslon fairly well, and I'd never seen it before. Seems there's a whole page of dingbats I'd never seen before. I'm not so paranoid as to think you'd keep it from me, as a kind of joke, but I do wonder why I'd never seen that page. The past-pluperfect. Check out the commas, I think they're perfect, I worked on them for a long time.

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