Sunday, September 1, 2013

Let's Assume

Let's assume a potato. You might or not be Irish. First thing, in the morning, you grate a russet, skin and all; I prefer to brown it in butter, but there's an argument for peanut oil. Hey, I'm all about avoiding conflict. Top it with a perfect fried egg, add a piece of toast with a dense marmalade. Repeat as necessary. I had to start using the compost pile again, I just don't bury things anymore and there's a tacit agreement that everyone just takes what they want. Various venders, at the farmer's market, give me blemished produce, and there's substantial waste. On the other hand, it's free. I was explaining to Debbie, Lane's wife, about making polenta, and how I liked to use some acorn meal, and when I made a batch, I tended to eat it three times a day until it was gone. You can put anything on top of polenta. I like it with chipped beef and gravy, an egg, a sliced tomato, an avocado with mozzarella and balsamic, chorizo, anything left-over. You can always eat this with just a fork, and that leaves a hand free for turning pages. My idea of a good time. Eating and reading. Baked beans on polenta is always good. Let's assume you walked in late to this conversation, how would I key you into events? Baked beans is enough for me.

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