Friday, January 3, 2014

Much Colder

Snow all day long, first they said no accumulation, then they said three inches and another inch before midnight. Below ten degrees tonight and tomorrow night. B had a bunch of William Gibson novels, so I'm reading those and eating ramen noodles. I'll have to get out on Saturday, for whiskey and a few things that can I carry in, but that should give them time to clear the roads. A good Osage Orange fire in the stove, and the little infrared heater over by my desk. Probably lose power tonight, but the oil lamps are filled, and I have candles. When I'm in Big Lots (it's near my laundromat) I always look at the candle shelf and buy anything that will fit my candleholders. I didn't use many last winter, so I have a good supply. I rummaged in the large tin, that I use to store foodstuffs that mice can't get into, today, and found several potential meals. I have some purple potatoes to roast. I'd rather be stuck on the ridge than stuck in town. The fall and winter I mostly cook with pork fat, bacon drippings, so I have to eat bacon a few times a month; I just keep the fat in the skillet I cooked the bacon in, with a cover, and take out a spoonful when I need it. Cut the little purple potatoes in half, roll them in some melted bacon fat and several grinds of fresh black pepper, a hot oven, thirty or forty minutes, turn them once. These are very good. While the oven is hot, and the pan is greased, I crisp some kale leaves. Too cold to think, so I bundled up early, on the sofa, reading until I fell asleep. Beautiful morning, four inches of new snow. A perfect sunny day, still very cold , and everything sparkles. I limit my outdoor time because it's too damn cold, way too bright and I left my sunglasses in the Jeep. TR calls, to make sure I'm alive, and B walks over to say that a former student, now in the MFA writing program at Bowling Green is coming by at four for conversation and an early dinner. So I suit-up and go over there. Excellent pot roast dinner, with butternut squash cooked two ways. Good beer and good conversation. I bow out early, to get home and build a fire before dark. Realized I hadn't socialized at all over Xmas and New Year, it was nice, talking about lifestyles and writing. I'm a mess right now, dirty, unshaven, smelling a little like dog. I'll go into town tomorrow (Matt said the roads were ok) get a few things, stop at the museum, take a sponge bath and shave, wash my hair; all of my clean clothes are there (from last Tuesday, when I couldn't get them up the hill) and I need to change, I've been wearing the same pair of Carhartts for nine days. It's winter. The rules change. I care even less what I look like in winter. When B came over today, I'd created this little reading nook for myself, with blankets draped over chairs, sitting on a piece of foam-rubber I'd salvaged from the furniture store; in my velour bathrobe, over Carhartt bibs, over long underwear, hat and fingerless gloves, with an extra coverlet over my feet. Not concerned, at all, in the way I appeared to anyone else, just reading a book, and biding my time.

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