Thursday, January 5, 2017

Leaf Forms

Spaced out, staring off into the middle-distance. Snowflakes drifting in a light breeze, and the occasional leaf falling. Some leaves fall straight down, some float, some drift to the side. I'm don't draw any conclusions from several hours of watching individual leaves fall except that there are issues of conformation and attitude of presentation. Most of the snow is gone, sublimated, with temps below freezing, but more coming after a few hours of sunlight. My time-scale is distorted. I always carry a rigid foam pad, in the small pack I carry outside, so that I can stop at any stump, keep my ass dry, and consider the size of snowflakes. Completely sidetracked, I put a pane of glass in the freezer (this morphs quickly to two panes of glass) so I can sit on the back porch and catch snowflakes. Blink of an eye. Still ephemeral, but there's a second or two to view the crystalline structure. The fractal patterns are infinite. A wonderful conversation with JC, there is actually a world out there. I lose track. A Tom Waits cover. I'd left the radio on and fell asleep, woke up confused about exactly where I was. Edgar Meyer playing Bach. I don't trust my footing so I pee in the chamber pot, wander around, make a cup of herbal tea. The silence is almost oppressive. The blues start knocking at my door. Breathe slow and deep. Just another country song, either your dog or your pick-up is broke down, The best dog I ever had was a castrated goat, Clyde, who raised my daughters and I must admit, I occasionally went to sleep with my head on his belly. Warm and soft.

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