Saturday, July 2, 2011


It was Heidegger I was thinking about, not Hegel; just one reason I have friends that can correct me. I've said all along, I'm a terrible editor, anyone would be better, a monkey with a keyboard. Just giving myself a place to start tomorrow. The time frame is jumpy, because I'm back home now, after finishing the installation, and starting the list for all of the other things that need to be done, listed by priority. I saw this problem weeks ago, the enjambment, and I'd been trying to grease the rails. I'm going to work part of the day tomorrow, see where that leaves us, Pegi's coming in, and Sara. Have to do lights and labels on Tuesday. I could go back in on Monday, if I need to, it's just the fourth of July for God's sake. I really don't have anything better to do, I mean, I'd just eating, drinking, and reading. Sara and D both think I use too many commas, making fun of me today; they were going over a press release, reading copy, Sara looked at D and said that they should ask the Punctuation Guy, being me, about a mark. D, ever the smart ass, waves me away, saying in a dismissive way, that I often used commas, in front of conjunctions for instance, that he had been taught were not necessary. I had forgotten how much fun we have together. A devil's mix. We enjoy working together so much. It's almost embarassing, at times, to enjoy your job. Sometimes, even the rest of the staff don't think we should enjoy working so much. Throttle back on the laughs. Let's talk about lives of quiet desperation, or whatever is the alternative, being obese, eating pop-corn, watching a movie. I'd rather be involved. An interesting docent film would be winter: winter with the usual pitfalls, and installing a show. That's what I mean, by the way, about a comma. The phrase is not connected, therefore there needs to be separation. I intuit punctuation in a completely musical way. Make a note to ask Mike about this, commas are usually just brushes on the drums. A devise. Keeping time. What if our docent had been asked to take a particular group through the various galleries; of course a strange group. I had to laugh. All groups are strange. Traceless love. Why we do what we do. End of the day, I'm just installing a show, no lives at stake, I could be replaced, probably by a robot with a mop. Fair-thee-well, my honey, listen to the river rock my soul. Sing a lullaby by the water.

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