Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Something beating against one of the French Doors downstairs. Odd sound, I can't find it in my memory banks. I need to pee anyway, and I had something more to say. I'd left the light on, over the sink. It's a compact, politically correct bulb, which allows me to get downstairs without busting my ass. A nightlight, you could call it. I flip on my writing light and turn on my computer, go pee, get a shot of whiskey. Then the noise is right outside the mostly glass door just by my left hand. Fucking Luna Moth, I haven't seen one in years, so beautiful. I get a plastic container and go catch her right away. Her because Luna ends in 'A' and that's almost always feminine. Diana came in on the punctuation issue, strongly on my side, actually used the word 'elegant', which made me sigh, and get another drink. To calm a Luna Moth, you give it a stick and put it close to a light. You don't want to stroke her back, because there's this powder you're afraid to disturb, it may have functions you can't imagine. Looking at it closely, with my OED magnifying glass, it looks important. Such a soft green. What a lovely thing this moth is. If I hold her on my finger, just under the light, she sways like a dancer I knew in Utah. Wow. I need to send her on her way, but she's so beautiful, I can't let go. I don't want to handle her too much, but I can't not touch what is right in front of me. I make a big deal of taking her outside and blowing her into the wind. It's a gesture, really, nothing more. Maybe you should just call the movie "Really" then embed whatever you wanted to say. Power outage. I was going to write an interesting paragraph about attachment, but I was suddenly cut off. Being at the end of the line sucks.

1 comment:

Reed Karen said...

I knew Tom a long time ago--last saw him 36 years ago I think. I don't know if he'll remember me, but I was just irritating enough at the time that he might. Would love to track him down if possible. He had a profound effect on my trajectory. if you have contact information for him please send it to me.

Reed Karen