Sunday, July 31, 2011

Dream Sequence

I'd turned off the AC, opened the windows and doors, I hate losing track of the natural sounds. The bugs now, and it's not Romantic, what did Sara say Jed's piano teacher had told him? That when playing Bach, you didn't use the peddles. I might beg to differ, not about using the peddles, but about whether or not 'change-ringing' could be romantic. In the Cello Suites, every one, there is a dance, and there's a certain romance there. Also, in my defense, if you listen to the Fifth Suite, alone, slightly depressed, off your feed, a little drunk, it's not a big leap to Stravinsky. I'm not a critic, just someone who listens to things. I love working at the museum, I handle all that stuff, actually touch it. It both is and isn't a big deal. I could be a character in a movie, thrice removed, or your boon companion, or both. Doesn't matter what I am, nor exactly where you place me. I am what I am. You know, squirm until you find a comfortable position. I reveal too much, my life is an open book. Make what you will.

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