Thursday, July 24, 2008


Yes, of course, what was I thinking, duh, outside curve of an arch would be extrados. A lot of jumps to hoop through. Nappe pronounced 'nap', is the sheet of water going over a spillway or dam. Knew there was a word, Latin, mappe, meaning napkin, also Old French word for tablecloth. A great word to finally have, stumbled across it looking up something else, a little gift from the dictionary gods. If it wasn't for George Bernard Shaw Nietzsche's Ubermensh could have been "Beyondman", dealing a death blow to the first super-hero. No scones at the bakery this morning and D and I pitched a fit. Twice this week. We started by repeating the phrase in every possible way, -no scones? no scones! NO SCONES- escalating in volume; then into a routine, totally off the wall, about being addicted to the damned things because of the opium they mix in the batter, first they get us addicted, then withhold the fuckers so they can laugh at our withdrawal symptoms, how cruel they were, how they should be eaten by bull sharks, how the dust from a thousand camels crossing the Gobi should clog all their pores. We were on a roll, and the owner was loving it, as she sliced and slathered cream cheese on bagels for us. A couple of the help thought we were crazy and a bit threatening. -Four lefts to go straight and stay on Gay, you can't miss it- my directions to a confused motorist,- or, I say -two rights and it'll be straight ahead, but the lefts are safer, no wait, do the two rights because you can't make one of the lefts- hope I helped the guy. Supernatant means floating on the surface, seems like too much word, but it might prove useful. Thinking about some printed matter for the Wrack show, not labels, but hand-outs, offprints: "Do Bowling Balls Float" article, a list of specific gravities, a flow-chart for the Scioto / Ohio confluence, the piece about Prolate Spheroids: a little booklet you get at the end kind of thing. I like this idea, museum logo, maybe a list and description of upcoming shows, maybe a few of these pages, where I talk about the show, where the idea came from, how everyone climbed on board. Sara wants to run the show extra long so maybe we close with Glenn's film of us making the show. Maybe we should dip the booklets in the Ohio and then dry them out, they'd be crinkled and the ink would run, maybe just the cover, like that lovely moldy cover B did for the Skip Fox book. When does Meg Oliver get up? I only see her at 3 or 4 in the morning when I get up to check the weather on TV, not that often, because I mostly don't care, you know, bring on whatever, nothing I can do other than take my truck to the bottom of the hill, but there are times that is critical information, if getting to work is REALLY important, like changing over shows, where there isn't the option. The Janitor Escape Clause overrides any other rule or regulation: If getting to work is dangerous, or is perceived as dangerous, the janitor may stay home and read. It's in the contract, read the small print. All my friends are assuming false names, I wonder if they're distancing themselves. Was that scene in the coffee-shop too much? The Cole Porter song with the bible salesman? I can't remember what I had decided.

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