Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I don't know why things fall in threes. Maybe it's just me, an imagined pattern, something I read when I was young and impressionable. Maybe it's just a rhythm, a beat, that I pick out of background noise. Seems real. Could be a Whip-poor-will or a Rufus-sided towhee, those fucking crows. If I were superstitious I could play the alien abduction card, the previous life gambit, the lost tribe bullshit, but I'm rooted in a world where a bad-hair-day fox takes an apple from the compost pile, glances my way, and trots off into the bush, a mocking bird sings badly, clouds occlude the moon. Not a promising scenario but something I could live with: late at night, I just need to know what are the parameters. I can adjust to almost anything if I can see the playing-field, understand the basic rules. Lean into the curves.

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