Thursday, July 17, 2008

Janitor Supply

Got the new Ojserkis 'Janitor Supply' catalog today. Clear prose with pictures, "Improve sanitation and avoid plumbing problems. Provide disposal cans." "Larger capacity means less refilling." "Encourage handwashing and indulge the senses." Baby changing stations, hand sanitizers, soap dispensers, flat towel dispensers, roll towel systems, recessed paper towel dispensers; an entire section FOR THE URINAL, tall block screens, solo screens, lexus screen blocks, urinal blocks, budget screen with block, the grabber tool "for the nasty jobs". Commercial toilet seats (antimicrobial, fire-retardant (so that if there is a fire, and you sit on one, your ass is saved)), seat liners, napkin disposal products, deodorant systems, lavatory guards, undersink piping surrounds, toilet grab bars, stainless steel mirrors, braille signs, green cleaners, receptacles, outdoor entrance mats, comfort mats, stair treads. A transport of joy, the pictures are stupid enough to make you laugh. Still I follow the development of certain products, and specific trade catalogs must keep up to speed. Boat mags are the best place to keep up with finishes, model airplane mags for doping fabric, you don't have to know everything, you just need to know where to look. For a while I got a mag "Concrete Construction", a trade mag, informative, and the lead article, I ripped off the cover (Febuary1987) and push-pinned it right in front of where I write, it's been moved a few times but always the same relative location, "Concrete Cures An Ailing Church". Sara said the damnest thing, yesterday I think it was, we were outside, smoking. The wrong time of day, direct sunlight precluded the alley, so we were clustered in the shade on the north side of the building, the back door, and Howard had come over from Covert's. Did you notice how different reality became, when it was remembered. Not the same thing. I make some notes. I'm out of my league. You shouldn't have thought I'd mean anything. Let's consider whether it's an image or not. Do you see it, is it there? I think your sister is my half-brother.


Three crows...

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