Thursday, April 16, 2009

Stair Installation

Pegi put this bee in my bonnet, the second bee, there was already one there. I like stairs, I like figuring them out and building them, had thought about an installation of maybe four sets, maybe landings and doors. So I'm thinking about fours sets of stairs, each completely different, that her Cirque girls could slither around on and through. Barnhart will do the music. Maybe offstage operatic voices, some lyrics. Stage set disguised as installation. I take these ideas seriously, as witness I was up at 4:30 reading Thoreau. Budget cutbacks probably mean I'll miss the National Docent Symposium this year, damnit, Ontario in high summer. One of those days when the janitor is in charge because everyone else is gone, we're in a time hole right now, at the museum, many things on many fronts, but Pegi and D have to go the Arts Council gig, and Trish couldn't really control when someone would die, so I'm alone, Lauralee is in the basement classroom, Bev is at the desk. I want to set a good example so I hang the entire High School show, 38 pieces on the wall, centered at 57 inches, evenly spaced, the math alone I can only do if I don't think about it. I even take a break to talk to that damned Brit. He's doing "Wind In The Willows" this summer at our theater and I guess that I'm designing and building the set. Eventually someone would have told me. I'd like to take over framing the budget at the museum, I don't want to, but I could, I'd find a set of algorithms where I could plug numbers in and out would pop another number and that would be the number we needed. I hate seeing so much creative energy wasted on balancing the books, only idiots and geniuses fail to operate within defined bounds. Did I mention there is no money allocated for the set. Someone forgot to consult the janitor. We see this, you know, at the bottom of the food chain, no one tells us anything, and then we're supposed to produce miracles. We are not nothing, we have a union, and a fund, that can be pilfered at will, by someone in the know; it is truly awful, they're printing money China will buy because it's the coin of the realm. The whole system is suspect. I planted potatoes, but they'll probably get the blight.

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