Saturday, March 24, 2012

Attitude Problem

Maybe it's just me, but more and more I notice that everyone's pissed off about something most of the time. I try to keep an even keel, remind myself, constantly, that most things are ephemeral, what seems most important is usually a matter of the moment, and not a life threatening issue. We play things too close to our chest, and when events get too personal we get defensive. Probably normal, circling the wagons on high ground. Experience teaches us that usually everyone else is wrong. I don't so much have an opinion as I just want a place to plant my feet. Over the years I've discovered traction is an important aspect of reality. I don't want to fall over and look like the village idiot, so I look for a place I can plant my feet. Iron clad. At the waterline, the "Constitution" was 22 inches thick, three-inch thick Live Oak planking, inside and out, over ribs barely six inches apart. The strongest wooden boat ever. Held the high ground for a long time, until steel came into play, and your cast iron shot was ineffective. Now you blow up spent uranium, but the principle is the same, kill the defenders and take the high ground. I have a problem with bullshit, it's mostly specious. I need to get my hair cut, and bathe, for god's sake, become acceptable, but in truth, that world is not one I care about. After the monster breakfast burrito I read Mary's letters until noon, trying to find some answers for some questions Sara had asked. Being the resident reference librarian requires voluminous dull reading. Town is dead on Saturday, I don't know where all the college students go; the pub is deserted at lunch and we chat with the owner and the staff. The new hires are leery of us, because we talk and joke so easily with the owners. One of them has been calling me Sir until I stopped her today, and told her if she didn't start calling me Tom, like everybody else, that I was going to throttle her. A very good cream of broccoli soup for lunch and when we got back to the museum TR, receptionist for the afternoon, had already put away the tables and chairs from last night. We talked for awhile then re-focused some lights that had jumped. The suspended tracks vibrate a bit, with big trucks (furniture store) and the normal shakings of life. The earth does move. So the lights occasionally, if they're not tightened down quite enough, tend to jump back to either a pre-set or some previous position. Two had, and we broke out the ladder, which is a pain in the ass, and fixed those. Went next door and asked that they save us three mattress boxes, we can modify them, to ship the three large paintings in the show. Such a perfect solution, and it actually only happened because we were talking about the problem, went out back to have a smoke, and the guys next door were getting a high-end mattress out of a great box. We both, I swear, stopped and pointed. So that problem is taken care of, and it was actually right at the top of my list of problems, so I'm crisis free, at the moment, if there's something you wanted to talk about. I listen pretty well, and I cook, I have an open hour at five on Fridays, we could go out for drinks after. Like that. I don't know what anything signifies, even all these acronyms are a total mystery. I'm wondering about a phrase, planting corn, and I'm confused. Should I not sign the invoice and just be completely accurate, or should I fudge for my partner. I don't know, I'm just asking.

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