Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ways and Means

It feels great to have a solidly good day. D was in, trading Wednesday for Friday, when he needs to be in Athens, and he also needed to introduce Marcella because it's his show, curatorially speaking. We set up the lunch and talk, and then she was there, so we chatted. A very good interactive talk, then questions and answers. D asked some leading questions, and another excellent photographer was there, Ali, from the college, with her students. I pointed out that in some ways the two worked a similar vein, with implied narrative. We talked about that; then the three of us had a late lunch together and talked some more. These conversations are cool, because the artist is always jazzed by talking about their own work, especially when the talk takes place in a gallery displaying their work that has been expertly handled. After she left I had to sit down for a few minutes, my feet hurt and I hadn't eaten enough, so I made a sandwich of lunch left-overs and checked the news on AOL. Then gathered D so that we might somehow wrap a $10,000 painting being shipped off to Hilton Head. We'd both thought about it and agreed in broad outline. Actually doing it is the trenches. D has some good ideas, I wanted some protection for the sides of the painting (it's not framed) and we cut out some sides, from a double strength mattress box, and he hinged them in place as if they were a book. I actually had a strategy, that might have been simpler, but it was nowhere near as elegant. Binding a painting like it was a book. I mean really, who would think of that? Not a single noun, a few verbs, we're still sorting, a fair number of adjectives but not a single adverb. I'm not sure if that means anything. Sometimes I feel like I'm creating a narrative by what I leave out. Anyone knows more than me. I thought, foolishly, it was full accounting., of course you have video, I wouldn't expect less of you. I can explain everything. A few things any way. What I might have meant.

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