Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Household Chores

I have to go do the laundry tomorrow, my house and my office both smell like dirty socks; it's good for cutting down on mundane chat, but enough is enough. I took a bath, five gallons of water in the sheep watering trough, but had the thought it was time to rent a motel room, take a long soaking bath, and watch a movie on cable. I should do this every few months, whether I need it or not. A significant component of dust is pulverized dry bug parts. And you shed, sloughing off dry skin and hair. I cleaned a few corners today, they were nasty. A closed environment, heating and cooking with wood, by the time spring rolls around, it's a mess. The wind is up and there's a waning moon. Before dark I was looking out across the hollow, that blush of maples, but there was also a hint of green, the briars and honeysuckle, and on certain slopes, where the under-story was clear, wild rhododendron. A mild winter makes it seem easy. The physical aspects of it. Mentally you have to do that whole death and rebirth thing: I was frozen, but now I'm thawed. Come out of hibernation. We shut down, when it's very cold; then, March and April, we get feeling back in our fingers and toes. Overlapping waves of wind dry the driveway. I don't know enough about wind. Where does it come from? Does it mean something? About a thousand ways to say that. Of course it means something, anything that happens does. A west wind or a north wind, air, falling into a pattern; there's an algorithm, the roaring forties, wind like a matron, sweeping through the hollows. A little late getting to work, because I don't have the light figured out yet. The kitchen was well and truly trashed. TR had a school group, but when he was done we tackled the trash. It was funny to hear him rant about the state of the garbage, a rant I've been on many times myself. People use no sense, after an event like this. One 55 gallon liner, leaking, with over 150 pounds of bottles and broken glass, the two big trash cans, that take the 55 gallon liners, were too heavy to lift. Two truck loads to the dumpster, trailing garbage juice everywhere. A very unpleasant task. TR was appalled. We didn't get any on us. Afterward I mopped and bleached, and except for the fact that all the decorations from the party are stowed in the kitchen, things are back up and running. Not acceptable for all that stuff to still be in the kitchen. There's a noon Smart Talk tomorrow, the woman photographer upstairs, and I'm interested in pursuing the idea that photographs can carry narrative. They usually serve a simple lunch with these things, but even a simple lunch requires some prep space. Shit-out-of-luck, is what I'd call it, every flat surface is covered with the remains of a party. In one regard, it wasn't so bad, I ate a lot of jelly beans and Skittles; in another I'm pissed that things have gone so wrong. What I want to do is sweep the remains of the party into a dumpster. Be done with it. Lots of beer, lots of cake and candy; from the signage, I'd say twin sisters turned thirty. Fuck the need for parties. I don't even believe in parties, I almost always celebrate alone.

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