Saturday, June 2, 2012

Getting It

Had an exchange with Trish yesterday that I still can't get over. There's a wedding today, in the main gallery; so all the art work we've taken in so far for the juried show is stacked upstairs, a jumble, but manageable, we're on track to have the largest number of pieces ever, and it's the art, after all, that concerns me. And I'm ok about working with this wedding, the fact that we'll have to put a notice on the front door that we're accepting art in the front of the building, in the board room, during the actual wedding ceremony, because those are the museum hours, awkward as that seems. Hard to be clear about this, it's so confusing. To a certain point, it isn't that difficult. It's a museum, there's a protocol. I can deal with today, later, after my Saturday burrito. I love the way the Saturday burrito becomes a character. Sometimes I feel like a cartoon show. But seriously. I should mention that now that Sara and D are back we're talking about art, we go out back and have a cigaret, laugh. Next week is the reception that bottlenecks everything, and Trish asks me if there will be any art hanging by then, and the answer is a large NO, because of the wedding reception. Then, today, the two guys renting the place for next Saturday came in, and they're the ones who are upset about the no-art situation, and they unload on me. Why would they have rented an art museum without any art? It's a good question. I'm just standing there, eating Skittles, and I explain that the dates for the next show have been on the calendar for two years.They demand a reduction in the rental fee. Trish finally comes in, and I turn them over to her, retreat to the board room, from where I would be able to sort out the artists bringing in work from the members of the wedding party. It's an easy sort. I only have Skittles because it's another Candy Wedding. When did this shit start? A wedding with a Candy Bar and no alcohol? I'm appalled. Is this just a scam by the Dentistry Industry to generate more revenue, or is it an authentic expression of something? I like Skittles, pistachio nuts, black olives, things you can pop into your mouth. But a Candy Bar and no alcohol? We've sank this low. Frankly, there are times I'm embarrassed to be human. When the global thing washes over me, I have to just go watch tadpoles with a magnifying glass. Sort hardware. Do something. Three things do constitute a list. That may just be an assumption of mine. I spent a long time eliminating several commas. It's difficult to express your actual voice on paper. Extremely difficult, look at Emily. What the dashes represent. How you breathe that.

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