Friday, June 22, 2012

Then Another

Nothing if not still active. There is no guaranteed thread of connection. This aphid effluvium is become a problem. I parked under a tree yesterday and coming home I couldn't see out of the windshield. I can't not think about it. It's sticky and clear and refracts light, and requires that I stop at the lake and clean at least a portal, through which to see where the edge of the road actually is. I hate driving into the sun. Increasingly, there are blind spots, and outside curves where I have to slow to a crawl. I may be involved in an accident, but I never cause them. I'm so protective of my solitude, that I'm actually over-attentive, if that's possible, and end up watching myself too closely. An easy day at the museum, the end of Art Camp and the kids were all over the place, then a performance of a little play they had worked on during the week, so I pretty much holed up all day. Read all the catalogs Sara had compiled of Carter one-man shows. D and I went over the schedule for the next year in great detail, because the elevator work starts in a couple of months, and that's going to cramp operations. I stayed for a while, after we closed, reading, waiting for the Friday mob to clear out of Kroger, but it never did, and I didn't have a decent list anyway, so I'll make a run to town tomorrow, for the library and groceries. I want to cook a slab of ribs, slaw, some kind of potato log, and then just eat that all weekend. Some Texas Toast and a jar of pickled peppers. And I need to boil the sauce, with some drippings, so that a layer of fat (which I throw away the next time I use it) protects the actual sauce from any possible contamination, though I don't think it could actually be contaminated, because it lives in an alternate universe where spice and heat precludes any possible infection. And I need to clean out the fridge, there's crap in there I can't identify. I like the way this is shaping up. Maybe I should do two slabs of ribs, as a hedge against inflation. It's just as easy to do two slabs, and that way, I could give a few away, Barb and Justin would both like them; they are, maybe, the best ribs in the known universe. Three or four, maybe more, things I do very well, I'm not modest about my capacity, I do what I do. But I can cook baby-back ribs.

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