Sunday, August 19, 2012


I'm staff tomorrow (later today, to be more accurate) so I can start uninstalling 'Cream Of The Crop'. A vague schedule for the next few weeks lodged in my calendar. TR and I aiming to get ahead. We need to strip the upstairs, patch and repair, paint, and install a ceramic show by next Friday. The electrician comes on Monday, to do his prep work for the elevator re-build. There's a concert in the main gallery Sunday, food and drink, and then that space gets stripped on Tuesday. Patch and repair that, the equivalent of ten living room walls. The elevator guys have six weeks to work their magic and they're based in Cincy, so they're going to be working four tens. I'll be spending a great many extra hours at the museum. Just realized that TR doesn't have to come in on Monday because I can handle what needs to be done, and he has to work Sunday. Excellent drive in today, all the way down Upper Twin which is beautiful any time of year, only marred by the three or four homesteads where everything the people ever owned is in their yard. Onto several generations. Set up for the musical event, then started uninstalling the upstairs. TR said he'd be there anyway, because of his first classes at the university. The museum is a great place to hole up; get your thoughts together. Stopped twice on the way home, once to watch a flock of turkeys, they were working the edge of a corn field and their order was complete disorder. Then, when I turned onto Axletree, across the lake, at the swimming beach, there was a string of geese, right at the edge of the water, looking very much like a line of riot guards. Geese can be intimidating. They now control the beach. "The Art Of War." The theme for the rest of the weekend, is breakfast. I had a world class tomato sandwich, with bacon, an egg, and several layers of condiments. Linda got it correctly, "going dream about a lemon-aid lady, gonna eat a little jellyroll pie". Miss Toast and Marmalade Lady. I have to laugh. Communication is a game of table-tennis.

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