Monday, August 20, 2012

Running Scenarios

Running scenarios through my head, with a pile of books next to me on the sofa, big stack of bear information, a sun-shower in the late afternoon, the sure knowledge that a large predator is watching my flank, eating vine-ripened tomato sandwiches with bacon. Come on, I mean really. Any chance to make the house smell like bacon is a welcome opportunity and I was out of bacon grease, which hampers my cooking ability. Bacon perfume would be the greatest thing since sliced white bread. Read Emily for hours while imagining Linda on stage with TR's music, finally had to call her, to talk about movement and props; does she, for instance, engage the audience, or look through them? I needed to move, so I put some "Skin So Soft" on my cuffs, walked down the driveway and back, must have stopped a dozen times, looking at things. I carry a very good magnifying glass with me when I walk, in a very sexy leather pouch that I wear as an accessory in the woods. I designed and sewed it myself. It's unique, probably, in the tri-state area. Looking at things closely is always instructive. The bottle neck for me, right now, are the puddles at the top of the driveway. The plan for the fall is to get some serious fill and grade it out by hand, then bring in firewood right to the back of the woodshed. I can't believe what a slacker I've become. The local rental place say they have a sickle bar cutter that will handle most of my brush, get that for a weekend, rake it down wind, broadcast some rye seed and get the perimeter green. I know how to do all this, but the last couple of years I just want to read and write, so I've let the world grow up around me. Pure blues line. Look at the watercolors of John Steuart Curry and John Rogers Cox. One of our next subjects is going to be 'Iowa Painters And Their Landscape', there's a rolling sensuality we could talk about.

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