Friday, August 3, 2012

Running Power

The problem was that several of the areas in which elevator upgrades needed to be accomplished were in dark corners of the basement. In most cases the areas in question had no electricity, so we had to find a 'chase' through which we could snake power cords. Good bit of detective work. The museum is physically a very confusing building. It's difficult to figure what exactly is above you, where you stand on the second floor. My ability to visualize something is quite strong, so this is a nagging failure for me, but nobody else can figure it out either. We nose around in the basement for an hour, discussing the various problems and probable solutions. This is a cool thing to do, D and I do it very well. We got light to three different places, that we'd never actually seen before except in the beam of a flashlight. Some very old candy wrappers. An old brick with a brown stain and section of brick-wall that had clearly been an in-filled doorway. The opening doesn't appear on the other side of that wall, but it's a thick wall; two walls, actually, with a space between, one of them was probably part of the foundation of the building that had been on that site previous to the bank, before it was a museum. History, and the occasional skeleton bricked into the wall. What is it about the French that they appreciate Poe and Jules Verne. I knew the house was going to be hot when I got home, so I stopped at the pub for a pint, figuring to fortify myself, and, of course, the conversation. Astra is back, she isn't being deported, which is good news, we can continue to make Asian jokes. Extremely hot when I got home, 88 degrees inside and it was almost nine o'clock before I could turn on Black Dell. The weather cramps my style. I don't know when I became such a whimp. At the mercy of whatever whim. Now, I figure, if I can back out the driveway, I can get on with my day. The driveway is problematic. There's a clearance problem. Intrusive blackberry canes. I bleed, thus. Fuck a bunch of thorns.

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