Friday, August 17, 2012

Rain Delay

D had insisted that I take a day off, B came over last night and he was going to Athens today, I thought I'd string along, a road trip, but it was raining and I was running late when I awoke for the second time, having gotten up, to the sound of rain, and written for a couple of hours, then gone back to sleep. I had some things I'd wanted to research, and called everything off, decided to just stay at home. Pegi and I had a great conversation about sexual orientation yesterday, she deals with so many kids in the Cirque program. With over 200 kids, there's always a crisis. I needed a day off, haven't been reading enough and B had brought over a pile of London Reviews. On average, I read for 28 hours a week, and usually 8 of those are in one day. A full day of reading is my round of golf. That's what I did, read book reviews and essays. Grazed the food that had accumulated over the last few days, leftovers from a luncheon/discussion at the pub concerning art outreach and various programs. The pub serves good-sized portions, and I had a little bit of everything. There is, of course, a grazing procedure. Simply: you eat the stuff in the order in which it spoils. Someone had gotten my email address (I'm not discreet) and sent me a nice note about how I was a part of her 'routine'. It's kind of sexy. I know from where I speak, I'm a creature of habit myself, which involves getting distracted. She puts on a pot of coffee, feeds the cat (Horace); a piece of toast in the toaster oven, prints out my post. Peanut butter and a nice marmalade, and she reads me twice, some times three thrice, from her left hand. She had some questions about procedure. It was a beautifully written paragraph, I'd have to look twice to realize I hadn't written it. Attention to detail, syntax. Consider the way any specific event might be remembered. Which side you were on. The nature of things change. Look before you leap.

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