Sunday, August 12, 2012

Diagnostic Criteria

The Task Force On Nomenclature And Statistics. Ankles don't seem to be that bad a fetish, maybe an atypical affective disorder, but nothing to medicate about. Sucking toes might be considered a more serious infringement, but if both parties agree I don't see that there's any damage done; no harm, no foul. That most people don't do a particular thing doesn't mean it's evil. For instance I've composted my shit for decades, saving hundreds of thousands of gallons of potable water, and water is in short supply. Had to make the extra trip to town: library, laundromat, liquor I wanted sushi for dinner, and I wanted a steak (and a baked potato) for tomorrow night. Also my tee-shirts were getting ratty and the elastic failing in my boxer briefs. I remembered that I had a Wal-Mart gift card in my wallet, it's been there for 18 months, from when I spent most of a day with college students, taking them thru the Carter collection. It was a marathon. A couple of days later, the professor left an envelope at the desk. It was a large card, signed by all the students, with little notes, two marriage proposals, and the prepaid card. No amount on the card, and I never go to Wal-Mart; I'd never been in the new Super Store and it's been open for four years, but I needed underwear and I had a card, and it could only be spent there. Structure. The laundromat is in the same direction, so I did my laundry, and headed out that way. I also had a Visa Debit Card, that the docents from Columbus had given me. I got my sushi, steak and potato, almost $60 worth of stuff, for free, and still had some credit, which was almost the cost of ordering a book on bears from Ebay. On a roll, I stopped at the Bridge Street take-out and bought a two dollar lottery ticket and won $50. Ending up with $48 dollars after spending more money than I rarely do in a single day. Got home and the power was out, but had a complete set of two library books, and enough lamp-oil to get through the night. With the extra $48 I aim to bud . A quart of lamp-oil, a dozen utility candles (great 1 inch diameter candles that burn for a very long time with no waste), and a a backup bottle of whiskey. You should always be able to see and have a back-up bottle of booze; either that, or; live above a liquor store with a family owned grocery around the block. We vary, as to our constitution, toward one thing or another. I assume nothing makes any sense. My sense of things.

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