Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Closing In

The Portrait Show (Faces In The Crowd) almost set to open tomorrow night. A few little things left to do, signage, and the pieces on the signage walls, put stuff away, a little more cleaning. I got all the labels up, and cleaned the residue from hammer-drilling concrete walls today; then got pigeon-holed into walking in circles with a couple of board members talking about facilities improvements. Linda gets in Friday afternoon and we'll probably do a run-through of the Emily piece, then Saturday and Sunday all day refining things. I can't wait to hear the music. The score/script is beautiful, physically, I mean I can't actually read the music, but the pages are lovely. The musical notation for brushing found cans, or dropping leaves, or pouring water from one container to another, is graphically interesting. TR is printing up copies and I'll figure out how to bind them, so that those of us involved would have a copy, and Glenn is going to video one of the performances, or all of them, I don't know, so there'll be a record. The best person in the Ohio Arts Council was down from Columbus, Ken, he'd bought a painting from the "Cream Of The Crop" show and hadn't picked it up yet. I wasn't there but TR said Sara was selling him the Emily Show, and he was buying. I can't believe anything I would do would have legs, go to other venues. I don't really remember how this happened, we were sitting around Clay and Sara's apartment, I seem to remember, just talking about Emily, and Linda said something about reciting poems as she ran. Clay was more than impressed by that. He'd been reading Emily too, as it happened. A given night, what do you want to do? Tom I heard there was this vitreous substrate, I'm not a geologist, a particular clay, maybe coal, maybe the merely imagined shadow of something you remembered. Occurred often enough that it didn't seem to be that odd. Then you have to name it. Now...

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