Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What's Real

Another flying squirrel, wrecking havoc. I get the tennis racket I use for bats and chase it around, counter-clockwise, until I can run it out the open back door. Fits and starts. I manage to not break anything and get the cute fucker out the door, but it's awkward timing because I'm fully awake when I should be asleep. Nothing for it but to get a drink and write you. I don't plan these things, mostly it's happenstance. One thing, then another. You get the flying squirrel out the door, then have a celebratory drink and roll a smoke. I wouldn't change a thing. That smirk on your face, when you realize you've outsmarted a rodent. One bright son-of-a-bitch. Harvesting water had gone well and I heated some, to shave and take a sponge bath. A small fire with just the slats from a pallet, plenty of heat to warm a pot of water. Back to basics, no claim that this was better than anything else, but it feels right, washing my hair with rainwater. I read part of a paragraph to B and he was struck with a particular word, how it opened into what I was talking about, directed the reader toward a certain conclusion. Guilty as charged. I do attempt to sway things on their moorings. A drone not unlike what you might establish with a bass or a dulcimer. Finally do fall back asleep, then make it to town with time to stop at the farmer's market. Sara wants the upstairs Carter galleries finished before we start the Portrait Show, so I make new labels, TR and I put them up. After lunch we brought "Let Us Give Thanks" downstairs, it's large (in the frame maybe 71 by 78 inches) and heavy. Barely fits down the front stairwell. Tomorrow we have to get three pedestals for some 3-D pieces. We set the show this afternoon, and I can start hanging it tomorrow. I enjoy hanging shows, and it'll be good to have art on the walls, after a hiatus. And seeing the Carter portraits in the larger space will be interesting. Every change changes everything. Even the particular off-white matte board makes a difference. Don't get me started on 'white noise'. I eat an avocado, with a spoon from the shell, a splash of balsamic vinegar and a squeeze of lime, a few twists of black pepper, it's so good I lick the spoon. I find avocados sexy, they smell like the back-seat of a 68' Chevy. That may be too personal. Suffice it to say, I mostly eat my avocados in private.

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