Friday, October 19, 2012


I awoke from the nap. Was awakened, actually, by a couple of deer running through what passes for my yard. It's black powder season and they're seeking the tangles. Nice drive into work, heated leather seats. Because of the recent rains there is some fall color and it's quite lovely on the back roads and especially along the river. I was supposed to get the pottery show packed today, but kept getting called off task. The elevator guys are getting ready for a Friday inspection, and people were asking me questions all day about one thing or another. Then, in the afternoon, I took two groups through the portrait show and the Carter galleries, the day was suddenly over and my feet hurt. My left foot is the worst (the most broken toes) but, now, I don't have to use it on the clutch, so it's not so bad. I have to find Emily a desk, and a carpet for the open area, down stage center, so that her shoes don't compete with the music. TR's music is quite delicate. If someone's cell phone goes off, I'll probably kill them. There are times, during the performance, when sounds from the audience will be greater than sounds from the stage. Extremely delicate. And it absolutely can't be taken in in a single performance, not possible. Too much happening, though it's minimal in almost every way. Did I mention that Linda is brilliant? That Zack is a genius? That TR wrote a master's thesis? It's a great fucking, delicate, sweet, sweet, show that sweeps right along. Five movements, and the fourth and fifth, when the music changes, are fantastic. Instead of getting used to them, I'm moved more every time I hear them, and Linda brings down the lights, of course, with her tombstone "Dear Cousins, Called Back, Emily" and we go to black. It's very strong. Fair to say better than any of us imagined. If Ken gets down, from the Ohio Arts Council, he'll want this show to travel, and if the money was there, to pay Linda and Zack, and put them up in suitable lodging, we might be able to work something out. I'm an agent now, negotiating contracts. Linda and Zack are beautiful together. Glenn will agree, the fourth pass through.

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