Thursday, May 8, 2008

Three Crows

Way home stopped at the lake, light rain, no one there. Visit the spillway and watch the weight of water. Walking back to the truck I notice a disturbance in the eating shelter (I'm sure they have a name) and there are three crows cleaning up after the last picnic. I feel a certain affinity, go over to watch their technique. They squawk at me but are soon back to business, a diet of bread and potato chips as far as I can tell. Finally the head bird jumps up on one of the tables, does that jerky head thing and caws what must be the signal to go across the narrow band of water and check out the eating shelter over there, which they do, and find something, I go back to the truck for binocs and yes, it is a package with a couple of hot dogs still extant. The scene gets interesting. Two hot dogs, three crows. A crow cannot take flight with a whole hot dog, so the battle is afoot. Excellent viewing with the glasses, I like the way they frame the shots. Finally get home and decide to park at the bottom of the driveway, walk up in the rain. Excellent choice. Morels and another small steak, nice salad with feta. That mere mortals should eat thus. I could have drank the last Ridge Zin, but I'm saving it against an imagined guest. Besides, it would have been too much, my favorite wine and a meal for which to die. Trying to remember a Grateful Dead lyric, right on the tip of my brain, life is all curves, my girls sent me the Complete Annotated Lyrics but if I went to find it, I would be lost. I'll stick with you. Once I establish the connection, I'm afraid to put it on hold, minimize and look something up, what I do is call someone, usually Glenn, and ask for a particular piece of information. Being apparently good is all about contacts. The number of things I know how to do, and the number is probably large, by whatever standards, is still finite, BUT I have an infinite resource pool to draw on. My business card says only 'The Impossible Takes Longer' and a phone number. It's not even my phone number, I made it up, but I still get calls, where's that at? GPS? And listening to the crows, as if they were Bach, and they are, the boundaries shift, how we inhabit our bodies, what we pay attention to. The crows, this winter, were amazing, they touched all the bases, I'm not sure I see things in the same light, you know, previously. What I thought I said. Did I mention the crows?

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