Monday, October 31, 2011

Making Progress

Felt it necessary to work on a day off, TR came in too, so we could get a bit of a jump on what looks like a very tight schedule. Logistics. I thought about the next two weeks for a couple of hours last night, while the power was out. First thing today we bring all the various crates and boxes for the doll show up from the basement, because they were in the pedestal storage room and soon we'll need every inch of that space. Juggle a few things, talk strategy, then start crating the doll show. Breaking in the new guy, always an interesting time. Last week it was introducing him to the numbers, this week it's handling art, packing it safely. We work well together, it's going to be fine, but the process (this particular repetition of a cyclical process) does give me pause. You only learn by doing. We want to see some of the paintings for the "Wet Paint" show, but usually we never bring any of the next stuff out until we've put the last stuff away. Sara said something about my apparent transparency. I didn't know what to say. I do try to be transparent. At the end of a night what I really wish for the most, is one of what's his name's, that glass houses guy, Philip. Not Glass. I pray you, despite anything I recently said, that you wouldn't take me too seriously. Prime numbers are always odd, otherwise being divisible by two. So we clear a couple of wall sections and lay down some blankets, so we can unwrap some paintings on the floor. TR is psyched, he's never done this before, and the paintings are wonderful. Wet takes on a whole new meaning. Good god-damn paintings too, and we pulled up a bench, looking closely, and TR allowed that he had never expected this to happen, that he would run into a person like me, in a place like this. What can you do? Pretend ignorance. Well, gosh, it happens. I still dream about flying.

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