Monday, October 3, 2011


I imagined a play-station where you could simply be yourself; you, on the other hand, the reader, demand a certain sense. I might mention Gertrude Stein, in passing. A cigaret in the dark, no foul. Assuming we have video cameras, who is going to watch them. Should I? Who else, than the janitor, I was afraid of this, when I first saw my name listed as 'facilities' manager. I'm no kind of manager of any sort, I merely observe things. My job is just to notice what's going on. Otherwise I'm useless. Who, other than a friend of mine, would lay a brick floor, pavers, in a woodshed? Tell all the truth, but tell it slant. The way fall light cuts through at an angle. Lighting is everything, illumination, otherwise you can't see. If you look closely, I always carry a flashlight and a magnifying glass, force of habit, you'll see what I mean. The support network required. I hate being the logistic person, because I'm so bad at it. Working alone is what I do best, working with others always involves compromise. The thing about living alone is that you don't have to compromise. No one to defer to. Any mistake is your own. I like that place, it's comfortable for me, a place I can get off my feet. I'm not as mobile now as I once was. I'd rather talk with you than anything. I didn't even shave before I went to work today, technically I really wasn't even at work, I just stopped by to help D install a show. The fact that I hadn't shaved bothered me, but it didn't bother anyone else, we're bombarded with images of guys that haven't shaved.. It's the look, get used to it.

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